1. Resumivise

It is a web application designed to assist users in comparing and revising their resumes with a provided job description. The latest released version is 0.1.15.RESUMIVISE DEMO

The project utilizes OpenAI’s GPT API tool to preprocess the resume, extracting key details such as the individual’s name, email, phone number, skills, and other relevant information. Subsequently, it compares this data with a given job description supplied by you. This process aids in refining and enhancing the resume to align more effectively with the specific job requirements.

  • Technologies:
    • Python FastAPI Framework
    • Next.js Framework
    • OpenAI API

      Main Page of Resumivise Web Application

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2. Sumcast

This app helps you to summarize a podcast content. In this project, first we retrieve the related information of a specific podcast and related episode. Then, store the audio format of that episode. The audio file will be transcribe via OpenAI Whisper module. Finally, the extracted text of podcast content is fed into Google Gemini API to sumerize and highlight the whole content.

  • Technologies:
    • Python FastAPI Framework
    • Next.js Framework
    • Google Gemini
    • OpenAI Whisper

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3. Bank.green

In my role as a software developer for the Bank.Green project, I contribute to a platform addressing the environmental impact of banking choices. Founded in late 2020, Bank.Green emerged from the realization that our efforts to raise awareness about the climate crisis could conflict with the environmental impact of our finances. The project aims to answer whether our banking choices inadvertently support environmentally destructive projects. Challenges in obtaining answers from banks revealed their involvement in projects with adverse environmental consequences.Bank.Green


Main Page of bank.green

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4. OpenBC Platform

I am involved in developing a platform aimed at fostering beneficial projects in the British Columbia Province. The goal is to assist individuals in connecting with like-minded enthusiasts, forming teams, and transforming their ideas into impactful projects. The platform is built using the Next.js framework. OpenBC DEMO Readme Card